Location We are a 5 minute walk from Ploen Chit BTS station on the 3rd Floor of Renova Residence overlooking the Swiss Embassy gardens. Please refer the map and directions below.
Note: Parking is available. Note: Refer arrows on the map showing the one way traffic flow.
Turn right into Soi Nai Lert off Wireless Road. We’re about 300-400 meters down the Soi on the left hand side. Turn into Renova Residence car park just after the building sign and park in an unnumbered parking spacing (lower ground usually has more available spaces). Call to us from the lobby or walk up to floor 3 in the car park and we are at the front of the building.
Via BTS Skytrain
Take the train to BTS Ploen Chit. Leave the station by exit 3 and walk down Soi Nai Lert for about 300-400 meters. Look out for Renova Residence on the right side. Call to us from the lobby or walk up to floor 3 in the car park and we are at the front of the building.